*Requires A Non Refundable 5K Retainer
This fee is paid in advance and will be applied to final negotiated purchase price of any property/deed acquired. Purchase price of every property/deed will vary based on various factors including negotiations.
Benefits are:
2. Deed is transferred to you (Trustee) or your entity (Land Trust/LLC)
3. You will own the property
4. Existing Mortgage comes with property
5. You do not have to get any financing
6. You can move In, Rent out or Sell
Pay the Retainer Fee early. Get on the Preferred list and beat the rush.
Sign Up Now.
Tell us your criteria for the type of property you are looking for:
We'll then find properties and acquire the deed with financing (mortgage) already attached. We then assign the properties over to you. You can have the deed then placed in your name or your entity's name.
Fixer Upper or DIY Subject To Properties may require, paint, carpeting, major or minor repairs and final assignment price will vary.
We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.
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The Advanced Real Estate Investing Academy, Subject To Real Estate Investors, Subject To Real Estate Academy, Creative Real Estate Investors, Eric Brown and Constance Salas are not a law firm and do not provide legal advice. Your use of The Advanced Real Estate Investing Academy, Subject To Real Estate Investors, Eric Brown and Constance Salas materials, forms, or services ("materials") does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and The Advanced Real Estate Investing Academy, Subject To Real Estate Investors, Eric Brown and Constance Salas. You agree that all decisions you make on legal matters are your full responsibility and you agree to retain legal counsel licensed to practice in your jurisdiction to review any materials you use and the manner in which you intend to use them. Rescheduling the course, sessions and classes may occur due to inclement weather and other factors beyond our control. All sales are final. There are no refunds.
All Rights Reserved | Copyright 2025
Subject To Real Estate I nvestors